Our human
brain is formed of billions of synapses that communicate through electricity.
Once a path has been formed, like every time something new is learned, a new
connection is created. Every time something is learned again and again it
becomes a stable, solid connection, like a bridge. That bridge can become so
strong that connections become automatic and permanent. Think of it like your
new born baby, who at birth had no sense of identity, culture or language. How
did your baby learn Chinese? Because you taught them. While the brain is still
flexible, before puberty, a baby can learn any language without an accent..
Immersion means learning a new language by living in that language. Studies
have proven how effective immersion can be. Half-Immersion does not work as
well, bilingual education does not offer the same results. Your baby will never
lose their native language. They never lose who they really are. They can only
add to who they already are. Great Man Dalian offers to give your baby English
Immersion, so they can become equally capable in Western Culture as in their
own native Chinese culture. The wonderful thing is they do not even realize
they are learning, because they are too busy having fun, and being with their
friends and their loving teachers. The other wonderful thing, is their future
becomes all the more brighter, because they have something that no other baby
around you will have.